OpenLogReplicator – chained row support

The OpenLogReplicator with the new release 0.2.0 has been extended to support chained rows.

A chained row can appear when there is a bigger DML operation or the table uses more than 254 columns.

Example showing that OpenLogReplicator can support tables containing more than 254 columns

This is an example of a table which uses 1000 columns. The table definition is:

  a000 numeric,
  a001 numeric,
  a002 numeric,
  a999 numeric

CFG definition file of OpenLogReplicator contains information to read DML changes for this table:

  "tables": [
     {"table": "SYSTEM.ADAM%"}]

Let’s test with the following DML:

insert into system.adam1(a000, a100, a999) values(0, 1, 2);

The following JSON message is sent to Kafka:

{"scn": "17817076", "xid": "0x0002.006.00002524", dml: [{"operation":"insert", "table": "SYSTEM.ADAM1", "rowid": "AAAJ49AABAAANH5AAD", "after": {"A000": "0", "A100": "1", "A999": "2"}}]}

You can also test the tool using table definition with big columns (many char(2000) for example).

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