Oracle GoldenGate

How Oracle GoldenGate Replicat handles Foreign Key Constraints

According to the Oracle database documentation there are two types of constraints: DEFERRED and NOT DEFERRED. The first one can be evaluated at the and of the transaction, and the second one if validated immediately. On the other hand Oracle GoldenGate can handle the replication when the target uses both of them. Let’s find out […]

How Oracle GoldenGate Replicat handles Foreign Key Constraints Read More »

What is Oracle GoldenGate Extract writing to the trail file (OGG 12.2 & 12.3)

This is a follow up of my previous article about an analysis of all Extract parameters for Oracle GoldenGate 11.2 and 12.1. It is a comprehensive analysis of how the parameters UPDATERECORDFORMAT COMPACT|FULL, (NO)COMPRESSUPDATES, (NO)COMPRESSDELETES, (IGNORE)GETUPDATEBEFORES and also (NO)LOGALLSUPPCOLS used in Extract param file affect what is written to the trail file.

What is Oracle GoldenGate Extract writing to the trail file (OGG 12.2 & 12.3) Read More »

What is Oracle GoldenGate Extract writing to the trail file (OGG 12.1)

This is a follow up of my previous article about an analysis of all Extract parameters for Oracle GoldenGate 11.2. How the parameters UPDATERECORDFORMAT COMPACT|FULL, (NO)COMPRESSUPDATES, (NO)COMPRESSDELETES, (IGNORE)GETUPDATEBEFORES affect what is written to the trail file.

What is Oracle GoldenGate Extract writing to the trail file (OGG 12.1) Read More »

What is Oracle GoldenGate Extract writing to the trail file (OGG 11.2)

In one of my previous posts I have made a detailed analysis about supplemental logging in the database that is a result of ADD TRANDATA command from OGG. Apart of what is written to the redo log it is another subject of what is read from the redo log by OGG and written to the

What is Oracle GoldenGate Extract writing to the trail file (OGG 11.2) Read More »

Oracle GoldenGate – errors during jagent configuration

The documentation of Oracle GoldenGate 12.2 does not mention it explicitly: before you start running the instance make sure that you have a Java environment correct & running. If not – you may later run into some strange errors which are difficult to solve. They will happen if the Java environment is set up correctly.

Oracle GoldenGate – errors during jagent configuration Read More »

Oracle GoldenGate replication + AES encryption on the fly – part 1 of 2

Let’s consider a poor man’s data encryption in the database. We’ll use AES128 CBC algorithm to encrypt the data. The application is written in such way that it can encrypt/decrypt the data while doing database operations. This solution is license free, works with no additional database licenses. A new requirement has arrived – the data

Oracle GoldenGate replication + AES encryption on the fly – part 1 of 2 Read More »

Oracle GoldenGate Microservices Architecture 12.3 quick set up tutorial

Oracle GoldenGate 12.3 Microservices Architecture just came out. This is a separate build, and in contrary to previous architecture (called now Classic Architecture) has distinct installation binaries and completely different directory structure after installation. Processes are run from different binaries and the whole configuration is also completely different. This article is a complete tutorial which

Oracle GoldenGate Microservices Architecture 12.3 quick set up tutorial Read More »