Oracle GoldenGate Microservices Architecture 12.3 quick set up tutorial

Oracle GoldenGate 12.3 Microservices Architecture just came out. This is a separate build, and in contrary to previous architecture (called now Classic Architecture) has distinct installation binaries and completely different directory structure after installation. Processes are run from different binaries and the whole configuration is also completely different. This article is a complete tutorial which […]

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Connecting Oracle SQL Developer to SAP ASE 16.0 (Sybase ASE 16.0)

Oracle SQL Developer has the functionality to not only Oracle databases. For MS SQL and SAP ASE (Sybase ASE) connections it uses the jTDS JDBC driver. Unfortunately the program refuses to work with ASE 16.0 even though the database is very similar to ASE 15.7. This article describes how to force the SQL Developer to

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Oracle GoldenGate – using Unique Index instead of Primary Key

Oracle GoldenGate Replicat process requires somehow to identify replicated records. When an UPDATE or DELETE command is replicated the Replicat process needs somehow to identify the row that has to be modified. The obvious solution is to use a PRIMARY KEY on the target table to avoid scanning the whole table to find the row.

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Preventing archive log deletion before being processed by Oracle GoldenGate

Oracle GoldenGate just like Oracle Streams has a mechanism of preventing archive logs from being deleted before they are processed. This mechanism is supported both in Classic and Integrated Extract mode. Although the latter one offers more functionality and control. This article brings in dept analysis what is happening in the database.

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Oracle GoldenGate documentation WGET download scripts

The documentation for Oracle GoldenGate is a bit tricky to locate. Manuals for older versions of the software are hidden and after downloading the PDF files the file names are not very easy to use. I have created a series of Linux Bash scripts for WGET to download the documentation in PDF format and rename

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Oracle GoldenGate: What is ADD TRANDATA really doing?

In the process of data replication using Oracle GoldenGate the first step is assuring that all the needed information has been written to the database redo log. By default the database does not write all the information that might be needed by the replication process. That’s why some additional supplemental logging is needed. According to

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